
Privacy Policy

Website Privacy Policy

This policy covers how Nano Nagle Birthplace will use personal information that is collected when you use our website. We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

What is collected

Nano Nagle Birthplace website does not store or capture any personal information when someone visits it and is not registered. The system will log your IP address along with other information provided by your browser. This may include the name and version of the browser you are using, your operating system and any website address that referred you to Nano Nagle Birthplace website. This information will only be used for producing anonymous website statistics and will be used to help us with the delivery of the services on the website. However, the system will record personal information if you: • Provide information by filling in a form on our site • Subscribe, register or apply for services that require personal information to be given • Report a fault and give your contact details for us to respond • Complete surveys that we use for research purposes


When you visit Nano Nagle Birthplace website pages, a small text file called a 'cookie', is downloaded onto your computer. This is called a session cookie. This will only remain on your computer until you close your browser. This cookie is not used to identify you personally in any way. We will use this type of cookie to collect aggregated website statistics that allow us to understand how visitors use the site. All of the information collected will be anonymous and only used to help us improve the website and report to funders on usage.
A persistent cookie will be downloaded when you first visit the site. These remain in your browser’s cookie store between sessions. This type of cookie will allow us to identify repeat visitors to the site. Persistent cookies are also used to allow registered users to use the site without logging in on every visit.

You may opt to view the site without cookies by adjusting your browser's settings. If you do disable cookies some functions of the site may no longer work correctly.

What we will do with your information

Any information that is collected by Nano Nagle Birthplace from this website will only be used for monitoring purposes unless you have given us consent for your information to be used e.g. Providing us with your email address, so we can contact you, if you have registered as a regular site user, if you have registered for an event so that we can get back to you. We may, from time to time, send you relevant information about Nano Nagle Birthplace and its work, although there will be an option for you to opt out of this at the registration stage. We will ensure that all personal information supplied is held securely, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Irish legislation, namely the Irish Data Protection Act (1988), the Irish Data Protection (Amendment) Act (2003), the Irish Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU GDPR (2018). The data controller is Nano Nagle Birthplace. If you have any queries regarding this please contact us.

Access to information

Any formal, written request for a copy of your personal data (a Subject Access Request) will be referred, as soon as possible, to the Data Protection Officer, and will be processed as soon as possible. It is intended that by complying with these guidelines, Nano Nagle Birthplace will adhere to best practice regarding the applicable

Data Protection legislation

Changes to our privacy policy Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page.